Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fun at the State Fair

Jess and I went to the State Fair on Labor Day -- awesome time. Some pictures, videos and comments:

The highlight of the day was the Jumping Dog competition, including this great leap (not catch) by a nice black Lab:

There are some questionable contests and wins in the State Fair, including this embroidered quilted jacket that I thought might have been dug up in a 1988 time capsule... but instead found that it won a blue ribbon:

And lest you think this is just one crazy outlier, I give you as evidence this entire showcase of questionable judging choices. I didn't take the time to see the contests these things won blue ribbons for, but I'm guessing "Most Likely Clothing Article To Be Found on Clearance at Mervyn's... in 1989."

If you get a 3rd-place ribbon in the "Jarred Dilly Beans" category, do you tell anyone about it?
Or even a 1st place prize... for a "Adult Danish Cookie" (no, I'm not sure what makes this an "Adult" cookie)

And here is Jessica, enquiring after an embroidery machine... on sale for just $8495! On a $1999 table! Don't worry, I already told the saleswoman they forgot the decimal point on this $85 machine. They didn't find that amusing.

Overall, we had a GREAT day! Our Tomato Truck Runneth Over...


Erica said...

SOOOOO jealous, I love the Oregon state fair. Just to let you know I worked there when I was in high school. That's right, carnie Erica.

Nicole said...

I've got to get my hands on some of those "Adult Danish Cookies".

Shanda McKeehan said...

Jarred Dilly beans are the greatest! We have them all the time here in the South, along with "cheap cigs" and boiled peanuts. And I actually love that jacket and bought it for Jessica's birthday because I thought you would love it!

Shanda McKeehan said...

Austin has been wanting an embroidery machine too, but I just had to put my foot down on that one. He only has a budget of $3495 for it.

Erin said...

Dave- Can I just say that I love your blog! It's! I feel like I'm sitting there having a conversation with you circa 1990. Some things never change.

Jennie said...

Dave! So I had to blog-stalk to find you, but when we saw you at the Carter's we talked about Karaoke, but it just didn't happen. That trip was SO crazy! Anyway, I am coming into town next week and we have reservations to do it! Golden Crown, (Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy) 9PM, You and your wife HAVE to come!!! :) And by the way, WOW on that embroidered vest! WOW.
-- Jennie Carter

Jennie said...

Oops! Saturday the 27th is the date... that would help. I think I was a bit overwhelmed at the vest...